Programs and Services
The following programs and services are offered to help our clients build a solid foundation in recovery:
- Housing
- Outpatient Counseling
- Affected Others: Enabling vs. Helping
- ME Driver Education & Evaluation Program (DEEP)
- Career & Education Counseling Services
- 12-Step Meetings & Other Peer Support Groups

Recovery Maine offers state-licensed, abstinence-based housing and substance use disorder treatment at two locations in southern Maine. Innovation House, on North Street in Saco, can accommodate up to 44 men. Restoration House, on Main Street in North Berwick, houses up to 8 women. Each recently renovated facility features full residential amenities including free television, laundry, and WiFi. The comfortable environments and great locations make it easier for residents to focus on their recovery. Both facilities are monitored 24 hours a day and engage in random drug screenings to ensure compliance with the zero-tolerance drug & alcohol policy.

Group and individual treatment sessions are available for all prior residents who would like continued support in their recovery. All treatment options are evidence & strength-based, including Motivational Interviewing (MI) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Additional resources can be utilized to promote healthy decision-making and developing a reliable support network.

People who struggle with addiction are not the only ones in need of help. Loved ones play an important role in their recovery. Frequently, affected others are unsure about what to do to help, while meeting their own needs. We provide opportunities for family and friends to develop their understanding of substance use disorders, triggers and enabling – along with ways they can help – while maintaining boundaries.

Recovery Maine has state-certified clinicians to provide DEEP (Driver Education & Evaluation Program) Completion of Treatment services.

Recovery Maine can provide guidance and resources for residents looking to create
individualized career plans, learn job-hunting strategies and skills, as well as develop a resume and effective interviewing techniques. Clients can learn to resolve work conflicts, understand how to create a healthy work/life balance and cope with job stress or job loss. We can also assist with education, training and applications to companies that are known to hire convicted felons and justice-involved individuals.

Recovery Maine provides space for onsite peer support meetings and will provide assistance for residents, family and friends with AA, NA & Al-Anon meetings, as well as other support groups.
P.O. Box 1, N. Berwick, ME 03906
Restoration House - Women's
33 Main Street, North Berwick
Innovation House - Men's
328 North Street, Saco